Turbidimetric Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Assay
The IDK TurbiFIT employs a particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (PETIA) methodology, utilising polyclonal antibodies to accurately quantify human haemoglobin levels in stool samples. Also known as a FIT test this assay serves a dual purpose: it acts as a preliminary screening tool for the detection of faecal occult blood, aiding in the early identification of colorectal cancer in asymptomatic individuals, and it also functions as a diagnostic test for potential bowel diseases in patients presenting with lower abdominal symptoms.
Extraction of Stool Samples
The process of obtaining stool samples is streamlined through the utilisation of the IDK® TurbiTUBE®, designed for convenient, clean, and precise sample preparation. Within this tube, there is 1.5 ml of IDK stool extraction buffer, which ensures a consistent dilution ratio of 1:100 when the stool sample is applied. This prepared sample extract is readily available for analysis and can be directly loaded onto numerous clinical chemistry analysers, facilitating an efficient workflow.
This innovative system not only simplifies the sample preparation process but also allows for the determination of three crucial parameters – calprotectin, pancreatic elastase, and haemoglobin (FIT) – all from a single stool sample extract. This not only saves valuable time but also proves to be a cost-effective approach when investigating patients with non-specific abdominal symptoms. Furthermore, the stability of stool extracts is maintained for up to 7 days when stored at room temperature or between 2-8 °C, offering flexibility in the analysis timeline. Overall, the IDK TurbiFIT assay, coupled with the TurbiTUBE® system, presents a comprehensive and efficient solution for stool sample analysis, contributing to the early detection and diagnosis of various gastrointestinal conditions.