Etanercept Free Anti-drug Antibody ELISA (IDKmonitor®)

Product code: K9653 (96 wells)

Detecting free anti-etanercept antibodies in serum and plasma

IDKmonitor Etanercept Free Anti-drug Antibody ELISA is a quantitative assay that detects human antibodies against etanercept in EDTA plasma and serum samples. Etanercept is a human therapeutic monoclonal antibody used to monitor treatment for chronic rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. This recombinant protein has the potential to induce humoral immune responses and lead to anti-drug antibody formation; a major cause of loss of response to the drug. These anti-drug antibodies can bind and neutralise the drug, accelerating its clearance and reducing its efficacy.

Key Advantages

Highly specific drug-sensitive assay that only detects free anti-etanercept antibodies
Supports the investigation of primary non-response and loss of response to etanercept
Quick and reliable, with a total incubation time of 130 minutes
May help predict the long-term outcome of disease in patients with sub-therapeutic etanercept levels
Applicable to Rheumatology
Easily automated on ELISA automates, such as the Dynex DS2



45 tests

Storage: 2-8 °C

Blood sample

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