Determining PGI/PGII ratio for clarifying diagnosis of atrophic corpus gastritis
The BIOHIT Pepsinogen II kit is a microplate-based quantitative ELISA for the determination of human pepsinogen II from plasma or serum samples. This test is intended as an additional tool in the diagnosis of atrophic corpus gastritis, which is also a risk state for gastric cancer. This assay is used together with the BIOHIT Pepsinogen I kit to determine the PGI/PGII ratio. The PGI/PGII ratio decreases linearly with increasing severity of atrophic gastritis in the corpus. The ratio is < 3.0 when corpus predominant atrophic gastritis is advanced (moderate or severe). It has been shown that the risk of gastric cancer is increased fivefold when the PGI/PGII ratio is low.
BIOHIT’s series of unified kits feature methods that have been standardised across all analytes and optimised for automation.
This assay is part of the BIOHIT GastroPanel product.