Celiac Quick Test (BIOHIT)

Product code: 602070 (20 tests)

Celiac Immunochromatographic (Lateral flow) Test

The BIOHIT Celiac Quick Test is an immunochromatographic assay designed to qualitatively detect anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies (IgA, IgG, IgM). This highly specific test is for capillary (finger prick) whole blood samples and can be used by healthcare providers at the point of care.

The sample is applied to the lateral flow test cassette along with a buffer solution immediately after sample collection, and the results become readily visible within ten minutes.

This test is well-suited for near-patient testing, catering to the needs of general practitioners, gastroenterologists, dieticians, and pharmacists. It proves beneficial in investigating symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and aids in the identification of celiac disease in both children and adults.


How to Test for Celiac Disease

The conclusive diagnosis of celiac disease (CD) relies on distinctive histological alterations observed in intestinal biopsies. Nevertheless, serological tests like the Celiac Quick Test provide cost-effective and less intrusive diagnostic methods that may negate the necessity for biopsies. In individuals with CD, autoantibodies are generated against endomysium, a constituent of smooth muscle tissue. The primary antigen for anti-endomysium antibodies is tissue transglutaminase (tTG). Human tTG is utilised in serology tests to identify anti-tTG antibodies from a serum sample, forming the foundation for a highly precise celiac screening examination. Such tests prove especially advantageous for paediatric patients, where the threshold for performing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is higher.

Key Advantages

Simple and safe procedure suitable for adult and paediatric patients
High accuracy
Results in just 10 minutes
Detection of anti-tTG antibodies (IgA, IgG, IgM)
Ideal for point-of-care settings, including GP practices, endoscopy (pre-duodenal biopsy), pharmacies and outpatient clinics


Lateral flow test

20 tests

Storage: 2-8 °C

Finger prick blood sample

More Details

Celiac Quick Test Applications

The BIOHIT Celiac Quick Test serves as a user-friendly diagnostic tool for investigating symptoms of celiac disease at the point of care. This makes it particularly valuable for general practitioners, dieticians, and in outpatient settings, aiding in the exploration of the underlying causes of symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in both adults and children. Results are acquired by analysing finger-prick blood samples for the presence of anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies, which serve as indicators of the disease. This test can be applied either prior to referral for endoscopy or within the endoscopy unit itself, where it may help assess the necessity for duodenal biopsy sampling during gastroscopy.


The Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease (CD) is a relatively prevalent autoimmune condition where the ingestion of gluten, a protein present in wheat, rye, and barley, triggers an immune response that damages the intestinal villi. This damage impedes the absorption of nutrients from food, potentially leading to malnutrition and lasting intestinal harm. Approximately 1% of the UK population is estimated to have CD, but it is often under-diagnosed due to its vague symptoms and the prevalence of self-diagnosis and management with readily available gluten-free products.

In children, CD symptoms typically manifest as tiredness and irritability, with a failure to thrive and develop, and sequels associated with chronic malabsorption. In adults with CD, consuming gluten-containing foods can result in various gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, bloating, excessive wind, constipation, stomach pain, and indigestion. Additionally, there may be more general symptoms like fatigue and weight loss due to nutrient malabsorption. Untreated CD can lead to other autoimmune conditions like type I diabetes and thyroid disease, as well as complications such as anaemia, fertility issues, and neurological conditions.

While some individuals with CD may be asymptomatic, they can still experience long-term complications. A timely diagnosis is crucial, as delays in diagnosis and treatment increase the likelihood of complications. The primary treatment for CD involves permanently eliminating gluten-containing foods from the diet. This allows the damaged villi of the small intestine to recover and resume proper nutrient absorption. Improvement in symptoms and healing can commence within days of adopting a gluten-free diet. However, it’s important not to exclude gluten before testing using Celiac Quick Test, as this could lead to inaccurate (false negative) test results.


Celiac Quick Test FAQs

What is the Celiac Quick Test?

The Celiac Quick Test is an immunochromatographic lateral flow test designed for the qualitative detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies, aiding in the diagnosis of celiac disease.

How does the test work?

The test analyses finger-prick blood samples from your patients for the presence of anti-tTG antibodies, which are indicative of celiac disease. The results are visible within ten minutes.

Does my patient have to fast for a celiac blood test?

No, fasting is generally not required for celiac disease blood tests and importantly patients must be on a gluten-containing diet to avoid false negative test results. This is because the Celiac Quick Test detects specific antibodies – anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies which are associated with the autoimmune response triggered by the consumption of gluten in individuals with celiac disease.

Who can use the Celiac Quick Test?

The test is user-friendly and suitable for general practitioners, dieticians, pharmacists and other health professionals, and it can be utilised in outpatient settings to investigate the cause of symptoms resembling irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in both adults and children.

Is the Celiac Quick Test invasive?

No, the test is minimally invasive as it requires only a single 20μl finger-prick blood sample.

Why is the Celiac Quick Test useful for paediatric patients?

The test is particularly beneficial for paediatric patients as it may help reduce the need for endoscopy in the diagnostic process whilst identifying Celiac disease at an earlier stage.

Can the test be used before endoscopy referral?

Yes, the Celiac Quick Test can be employed either before referral to endoscopy or within the endoscopy unit itself to help assess the necessity for duodenal biopsy sampling during gastroscopy.

What does a positive result indicate?

A positive result suggests the presence of anti-tTG antibodies, indicating a potential diagnosis of celiac disease.

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