BIOHIT service laboratory

Our service laboratory helps to establish the evidence needed by local healthcare systems to adopt new BIOHIT technologies into routine use. When healthcare systems can make the necessary analyses themselves, with the help and support of BIOHIT, it enables the customer to receive test results more easily, rapidly and at a lower cost. We provide testing for kits including GastroPanel (Pepsinogen I and II, Gastrin-17, H. pylori IgG), Faecal Calprotectin, ColonView, Active B12 and Total 25(OH) Vitamin D. You have access to a large menu of tests through BIOHIT and its partner companies. If there is a particular analyte you are looking to measure, please feel free to contact us and we will be able to advise on how to access the service.

Evaluation and adoption of BIOHIT diagnostic tests

Our service laboratory promotes the evaluation and adoption of BIOHIT diagnostic tests and analysis systems by engaging and collaborating with the global scientific community. Collaboration often begins in a clinical research setting, collecting and processing large numbers of patient samples on our diagnostic test systems, and analysing the data obtained. Samples originate from healthcare establishments (including clinics, hospitals and medical centres) all over the world, in an effort to evaluate the clinical utility of BIOHIT’s innovations.

Quality assurance schemes at BIOHIT service laboratory

Laboratories often require access to external quality assurance (EQA) schemes when they launch a new service. We offer sample exchange schemes for some of our assays, helping our customers to demonstrate quality in testing before EQA schemes and other local laboratory services become established. BIOHIT’s service laboratory clients include NHS, private pathology providers, healthcare providers and private practitioners.

Would you like more information about the BIOHIT service laboratory?

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