Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen ELISA (IDK®)

Product code: K6923 (96 wells)

Helicobacter pylori determination in stool samples

The IDK H. pylori Stool Antigen ELISA is used for the detection of H. pylori in stool samples, for confirmation of active H. pylori infection in the absence of atrophic gastritis, bleeding ulcer and use of proton pump inhibitors.

 Stool sample extraction

Homogenised stools are extracted using the extraction buffer provided. The extraction process is fast, clean and precise, and prepares sample dilutions ready for analysis.

Key Advantages

Simple, fast and reliable assay, with a total incubation time of just 70 minutes
High capacity kit
Easily automated on any open ELISA automate, such as the Dynex DS2



46 tests

Storage: 2-8 °C

Stool sample

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